Work With Us | 901-878-9758

Visible Music College was founded by Ken Steorts, founding guitarist, songwriter, and manager of the rock band Skillet. The school’s goal is to train the next generation of musicians as they earn accredited bachelor degrees. Each degree program contains core Bible and Ministry courses, along with hands-on music training.

The Instructor of Modern Music, Songwriting will join the Visible Music College team:

1) To teach Songwriting lessons.
2) To teach music theory classes.
3) To teach Songwriting Sectionals and Artist Development courses.
4) To facilitate spiritual growth through the discipleship and mentoring of songwriting students.
5) To facilitate and oversee songwriter auditions.
6) To strategically plan the curriculum and growth of the songwriting program.
7) To advise and register student-songwriters.
8) To oversee Songwriting Senior Recital Juries and assist in the adjudications of additional MM student juries.
9) To develop student growth through spiritual, professional, and academic formation

This position is based in Memphis, TN. To learn more, or to apply online, visit the Visible Music College website here.



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