Dave Ramsey is seeking a Project Manager for Live Events in Nashville, Tennessee.
Responsibilities: • Reports to the Lead Operations Manager and the Vice President of Live Events
• Coordinate work flow, priority, and timelines to keep each Live Event area—production, sales, marketing, programming, sponsorship—and our resources informed, on task, and aware of deadlines.
• Facilitate communication between our clients and our team members
• Facilitate communication with live event team members on resources’ needs and limitations
• Facilitate communication with our resources on necessary changes, approvals, or deadlines for event collateral
• Develop and maintain a detailed project timeline of each event which includes production, presentation, and event experience needs
• Coordinate with producers, sponsorship, sales, marketing, and resources to identify future needs and planning processes
• Responsible for all event collateral (i.e. workbooks, badges, venue signage, promotional pieces—digital and print)
• Constant and current communication of deadlines and priorities to our resources and the live events team
• Prepare agenda and meeting minutes for project focused meetings
• Coordinate and lead meetings with clients, team members, and resources as needed
• Act as Liaison between client and resources for event collateral as needed
• Keep AtTask organized and arranged appropriately based on the project
• Hold Live Event areas—production, sales, marketing, programming, sponsorship—accountable for timely requests and approvals based on each events’ deadlines
To learn more, or to apply online, visit the Dave Ramsey posting here.
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