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My latest Memphis Daily News column is out, “Are You Sharing Too Much” In it, I discuss the importance of minimizing distractions during your interview.

When it comes to job seeking, sometimes less is more. Everything we do – from the clothes we wear to our resumes to our social media accounts – says something about us. These things are pieces of our personal brands.

While looking for a job, one of your top goals should be to minimize distractions. You want your new employer to focus on your experience and the words coming out of your mouth. You don’t want an interview to be derailed by a minor personal detail.

Someone once told me they didn’t want to work for a company if the company didn’t like them personally. This approach is OK if it’s not important you find a job. But, if you need a job, you should save making friends for later.

To read my entire article and learn how you can minimize distractions and stop over-sharing, check out the Memphis Daily News here.


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