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Rhodes College is seeking a Digital Preservation and Scholarship (DPS) Project Manager in Memphis, TN.

The DPS Project Manager will be a member of our Digital Preservation and Scholarship (DPS) Team, which provides planning and support services for College programs and projects in the areas of innovative pedagogies, engaged scholarship, and digital preservation and access.

• Manage digital scholarship projects as a member of the team of Digital Preservation and Scholarship project managers;
• Provide technical support for projects, for example metadata schema design and implementation and repository administration;
• Supervise student teams involved in projects, and train/deploy student workers throughout the College to provide support (e.g. transcription, web application development, processing digital assets) for projects;
• Assess new and emerging tools, trends, and technologies for the team;
• Identify resources, vendors and/or partners to provide services for projects;
• Plan and develop outreach programming connected to the team’s digital collections and projects.

To learn more, or to apply online, visit the Rhodes College website here.


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