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My latest Memphis Daily News column is out, “Exiting Your Job Gracefully.” In it, I discuss the importance of making a graceful exit from your job, and provide tips on the best ways to quit.

There’s a lot to be said for grace. Although many interpretations of the word exist, my favorite is Merriam-Webster’s. They define it as “a controlled, polite, and pleasant way of behaving.” After a number of questions from people about how to quit their jobs, I wanted to share a few thoughts with you.

First, keep the fact that you are interviewing private. Your boss doesn’t need to know. Neither does your co-worker, or favorite employee. Rarely does sharing this information lead to positive results. In the worst case, the employee may be asked to pack up and leave immediately. Some employers view a job search as disloyal to the company, so keep yours quiet.

When you do land your dream job, be sensitive to those around you. To read my entire article and learn to quit your job with grace, visit the Memphis Daily News site here.

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