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We’re All in Sales

My latest Memphis Daily News column is out, “We’re All in Sales.”

Lately, I’ve heard the phrase, “we’re all in sales” a few too many times. This thought can be a strange one to grasp when you think about it. For example, how could you ever be considered to be “in sales” if you work in the accounting, operations or legal department?

Changes are that when you started your career, you were open to many more options than you are today. After all, you had no particular experience yet and just wanted to get your feet wet. You’d take any job that was related to what you studied, just as long as it would pay the bills.

As time goes on however, your needs become more specific. You may become set on a particular industry, department or role within the organization. As such, the number of total opportunities available shrinks considerably. In turn, the career competition within a certain category can increase.

Rather than distribute your resume as if your computer was a firehose, it’s time to become more targeted.

To learn exactly what you should do to be more targeted, read my entire Memphis Daily News column here.

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