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Translating an Academic Resume for the Corporate World

My latest Memphis Daily News column is out, “Translating an Academic Resume for the Corporate World.”

Over time, one theme keeps coming up in the questions I receive from readers. After spending years going to school to receive a master’s or doctoral degree, many recent graduates find themselves with a long resume.

Unfortunately, their experience is exclusively academic in nature. The same holds true for those completing postdoctoral research. Compounding the problem, these graduates have virtually no experience interviewing for corporate positions.

This experience can be both frustrating and a huge blow to one’s self-esteem. The graduate spent years developing their experience and knowledge, and suddenly are at a loss for where to turn. The issue is often compounded because many people in their close circle are in a similar situation. The options for assistance are limited.

The good news is the steps you need to take don’t involve going back to school. They aren’t costly, and anyone can do them.

To read the rest of my column, and to find out how to transition from academia to corporate, visit the Memphis Daily News website here.

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