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Minimizing Jargon

My latest Memphis Daily News column is out, “Minimizing Jargon.” In it, I discuss the importance of being able to explain what you do to many different types of people who may not work in the same field as you.

Recently, my doctor explained a topic so complicated that even my two advanced degrees weren’t helping to decipher what she was talking about.

“If we were talking about marketing, I’d completely understand,” I said. “But, unfortunately I don’t. Can you explain this to me again in a more simple way?” My doctor paused, laughed, and said, “You know, this is how I feel when my pest guy comes to tell me about my lawn. I have no idea what he’s talking about!”

We’re all experts in something. And hopefully, your experience and expertise are relatively unique. Your specialty gives you something to tout on your resume and talk about in interviews. You can share your latest accomplishments at networking events and among friends and family.

To learn why your ability to communicate simply about your complex job is so important in your search, read my entire Memphis Daily News column here.


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